
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.

Researchers Transform CO2 Emissions Using Electro-Reduction Carbon

Two UBC researchers are responsible for a creating a technology that could change the way the world uses carbon dioxide emissions.Chemical and biological en­gineering professor Dr Colin Oloman and PhD graduate Dr Hui Li have invented a new tech­nology that converts carbon di­oxide into useable compounds for commercial use through electro-reduction technology.

Electro-Reduction Carbon (ERC) is an electrochemical process that converts carbon dioxide emissions directly from blast furnaces into formic acid. The compound is a liquid fuel that is used for many industrial processes, including a chemi­cal intermediate in the manu­facturing of various chemicals such as caffeine and artificial sweeteners, and in the cleaning of steel during manufacture. Formic acid is also a non-toxic, biodegradeable, reusable com­pound which yields oxygen as a by-product, which can be used to improve combustion in blast furnaces.

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  In the beginning, there were algae,
but there was no oil Then, from algae came oil.
Now, the algae are still there, but oil is fast depleting
In future, there will be no oil, but there will still be algae  
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This is what we try to do at - explore the potential of getting oil from algae