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Specious Arguments Used by Opponents of Nuclear Energy

Specious Arguments Used by Opponents of Nuclear Energy

The author speaks about the pseduo-scientific arguments used by some of those opposed to nuclear energy. According to these anti-nuclear advocates, "Nuclear fission is apparently bad because splitting atoms is in conflict with all Life because it is destruction not construction".

Of course this is all utter trash; if someone is opposed to nuclear energy (or for that matter opposed to anything), he or she should be able to put forward objective and pertinent arguments. In the case of nuclear energy, both in public forums and sometimes even in scientific forums, what we hear are random thoughts from folks who are scared of the unknown.

As the author says in the post, what is wrong with splitting? "Natural radioactive decay, the kind of decay, which fuelled the primordial vents from where life first sprang, is the destruction of atoms. Metabolism is the destruction of all sorts of molecules."

Fair enough...

Read the rest of the post from here @ Freedom for Fission


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