Comprehensive Oilgae Report

A detailed report on all aspects of the algae fuel value chain, the Comprehensive Oilgae Report will be of immense help to those who are on the threshold of investing in algae biofuels. More ››

Algae-based Wastewater Treatment

Compiled by a diverse team of experts, with experience in scientific and industrial fields, the Comprehensive Report for Wastewater Treatment Using Algae is the first report that provides in-depth analysis and insights on this important field. It uses innumerable data and information from a wide variety of expert sources and market studies, and distills these inputs and data into intelligence and a roadmap that you can use. More ››

Oilgae Digest

This is for entrepreneurs and businesses who wish to get a basic understanding of the algae fuel business and industry dynamics. More ››

Oilgae Report Academic Edition

Oilgae Report Academic Edition - provides research insights on new methodologies, perspectives and experiments in algae biofuels; this report is customized for academic and industry researchers, and students. More ››

Pond Algae Control

Nature gave us oil from algae; perhaps we should try Nature’s way again

Pond Algae Control

Most pond owners really begin to notice algae when it ‘blooms’.  An algae bloom is a rapid increase in algae growth.  You might look out on your pond one summer day and notice a pea-soup look or blobs of green, slimy material, floating in many areas on the pond.  By the time you see this amount of growth, it is usually too late to do anything preventative, but you have several options for removing the algae from the pond.  However the best strategy for pond owners is to act preventatively to keep excess algae from growing in the first place.

The most common reason why ponds have excessive algae is nutrient pollution, which is similar to surplus plant food.  Nitrogen, phosphorous, carbon, and potassium are the four nutrients that tend to give pond owners the most trouble.  They are the chemicals pond plants use, combined with carbon dioxide and water, to grow and make new leaves.  In a pond, these nutrients are invisible, dissolved in the water. Combined with bright sunlight on the pond surface and warm temperatures, algae can easily grow out of control.

Since algae thrive for the same reason the plants in your garden thrive, in order to control algae in your pond, you will need to control one or all of these factors. We will obviously ignore the water factor, since we do not have a pond at all if we do not have water. That leaves us with light and nutrients as elements we can control.

Pond algae control is very important for a healthy pond. There are a few reasons why your algae has increased, causing you to need pond algae control products: too many fish and therefore too much fish waste, decaying organic matter, weather and temperature changes, etc.

Before buying pond algae control products, make sure that you understand some of the main causes of excess algae. Once you understand why you have so much algae, it is much easier to treat.

New ponds - it can take some time for your pond to balance itself out. When you first put in a pond, it is likely to have an excess of algae because there may be an excess of nutrients. Wait until the situation is a bit more under control before adding fish - fish will only add to the excess of nutrients.

Web Resources

  • How to prevent and control algae in farm ponds - They are extremely important, being a major source of oxygen and food for other animals living in the pond.  There are many forms of algae, ranging from the microscopic life forms that give pond water its green tint to wispy clumps of Filamentous algae floating in the water
  • Pond Algae Control - Pond algae is a collection of microscopic plants containing chlorophyll that live floating on stagnant water. They look slimy and can ruin the look and feel of your pond eventually causing damage to aquatic wildlife
  • Ultrasonic Algae Control - Control lake or pond algae without herbicides or chemicals
  • Algae Control - Algae control is an unfortunate, but necessary fact of life when owning a pond. Complicating matters further is whether or not fish or other pond life exists in the pond
  • Algae Control and Algae Removal in Lakes, Reservoirs and Ponds - Algae control can be accomplished by reducing plant nutrients (fertilizers). These include phosphorus and nitrogen, minor nutrients such as sulfur and various micronutrients such as iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, etc
  • How to Control Pond Algae - There are many different methods you can adopt to restrict the formation of pond algae growth and here are some suggestions
  • Like Oil and Water, Koi Ponds and Algae Don't Mi - Control algae in koi ponds to keep fish healthy and active
  • Koi Pond Water Garden Supplies - Water Gardens, Koi Ponds Service and pond Supplies. Canadian dist.of Koi Clay and other pond products. Information on seasonal maintenance aeration, and algae control
  • Pond Algae Control and Keeping Green Water Away - Pond Algae Control using a UV sterilizer is the easiest and best way to achieve a clean pond environment.
  • Control Pond Algae for a Clean, Healthy and Beautiful Pond - The ability to identify the type of algae in a pond and limit the nutrients available, goes a long way in preventing pond algae growth. An effective method to control pond algae is the use a live microbial products that utilize special beneficial bacteria to break the growth cycle of pond algae.
  • Controlling Algae in Ponds - Algae growing out of control in a pond can reduce oxygen levels, cloud water, and restrict circulation. Pond location, filters, and UV sterilizers can prevent the majority of algae blooms.
  • ­Garden Pond Equipment - Various kinds of technical garden pond equipment like fishpond filters, skimmer and pumps are essential tools to provide a healthy balance in your aquatic ecosystem.
  • Pond Algae Control & Maintenance - Pond owners assume that the presence of any algae in their pond is a cause for concern. While it is true that algae can easily turn an attractive pond into pea soup, it also has many benefits. Learn how some algae is ok, & how to keep it controlled.
  • Natural Algae Control in Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs - Algae Control: Water Treatment Chemicals for Lake Algae Control, Pond Algae Control, Weed Control, Mucky Lake Bottoms, and Overall Lake Water Quality.
  • Natural Algae Control - In the middle Ages sheaves of corn were ceremonially thrown into village ponds and wells to ensure the purity of the water. More recently farmers have found, often by accident that a bale of straw in the farm pond keeps it clear of algae.
  • Controlling Algae Growth in your Backyard Water Garden - Controlling Algae in your Backyard Pond Backyard Style is home of High Quality discounted lawn and garden supplies.
  • Backyard Pond - Backyard Pond - A pond or water garden will likely become the focal point for all your backyard conservation.


 Algae & Frog Problem - A brief but useful discussion on controlling algae and frogs in a large pond

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